Sunday 3 May 2015

"Keeping my eyes peeled"

Isn't that a strange expression? It sounds awfully painful...

Anyway, for those who don't understand the expression it means being on the lookout. As ever, I have been on the lookout for chilli-related merchandise. We have been away for a few days, visiting Jane's elderly mother, so I have had little opportunity for blogging, but whilst out shopping I noticed one or two nice things. How about this beautiful ceramic bowls decorated with stylised chillis?

And how about this powerful stuff?

What do think people would use it for?

We are home again now, so tomorrow I will be sorting out my own garden, and hopefully getting one or two blogposts ready for publication...


  1. The ceramic bowl is wonderful - so vibrant. You wouldn't catch me having any of that chilli extract on my shelves that's for sure.

  2. I'm not sure why someone would want extract of chili if you can have chili sauce instead. But who knows?

  3. When my niece was around 3 or 4 years old we were on the way to the train station when her mother said, "I've got my eyes peeled." To which her daughter said in horror, "Oh my gosh! You peeled your eyes?! Let me see." We laughed so hard, and it was really the first time I had ever given thought to how awful that must have sounded to her.


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